Distance Learning Degree
Distance learning professional recognition
Professional reputation largely depends on achievements and skills as well as on education level (degree and/or diploma). For this reason, any distance learning degree program for adults not only represents a career enhancement, but it is also comparable to a traditional class attendance program. In fact, a perfectly valid degree can be legitimately earned through a distance learning university such as Selinus University. Earning a degree program for adults shows undeniable willpower, responsibility, motivation and personal organization which enjoy high consideration in the Business world. It is not by chance that human resources managers estimate those employees that engage in distance learning programs in order to improve their CV.
Non-formal studies recognition
Selinus University is a non-formal education institute for adult students. Its non-traditional study programs do not follow the Ministry of Education’s guidelines since they are not standard; they are designed to fit adult student’s needs. As a consequence, certain government positions, professions or occupational licenses require the possession of traditional education channel degrees. In other words, a non-government accredited, free and private distance learning institution, as it is Selinus University, awards titles that cannot be used in some areas where state licensing is demanded. The recognition of private distance universities’ degrees is always discretional.
SUSL degree programs for adults can be internationally legalized to facilitate recognition.
Selinus University distance learning titles and academic transcripts can be internationally legalized through The Hague Apostille (for countries under Hague Convention) or Consulate Legalization (for Non-Hague Countries). This specific legalization allows any distance learning institution, such as SUSL, to obtain official signatures certification as well as documents legality and legitimacy. It may be required as a validity guarantee by government institutions. However, it should be understood that this legalization process does not necessarily guarantee a private distance learning degree final acceptance. Reason why, we strongly recommend to check on the distance learning degree regular acceptance before enrolling in any SUSL degree program for adults.
In many countries, government institutions are working on the process of non-formal education official validation. For example, in 2012, within the European Union, the formal higher education and universities systems were merged in the Bologna process. Currently, European countries are facing increasing pressure to recognize individual’s knowledge, skills and competencies, which requires new approaches to validate people’s learning experiences. This is why the EU Commission presented a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning after 2015.
Distance learning accreditation
Higher education is normally supervised by the national government; the latter gives account for higher education policy. As free markets, open borders and individualism grow around the world, many nations are shifting towards a more liberal, competitive and diversified distance learning higher education system. Accreditation is one of the main factors behind this global trend. It is an institutional process that evaluates universities and educational institutions distance teaching methods while respecting their autonomy and specificity.
Accreditation also ensures academic quality through regular review. The distance learning universities normally strive to gain accreditation to demonstrate their academic programs quality levels. The accreditation process is non-governmental and voluntary. Universities normally call for the accreditation of a private, regional and/or professional institution and submit an application. The accrediting institutions shall evaluate the universities and grant accreditation if deemed satisfactory.
International Accreditation
In the United States of America, there is no Federal Ministry of Education or any centralized authority exercising a unanimous national control over postsecondary educational institutions. As a result, US educational institutions considerably vary in terms of quality and programs. The accreditation becomes an increasingly important issue (not only in the USA), especially when it comes to assess and officially recognize a degree obtained through distance learning or adults programs.
Selinus is a non-formal International University and has no governmental accreditation. It is privately accredited by AAHEA (American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation), by WCRDE (World Council Regular Distance Education, Asia) and by QAHE (Association Assurance Higher Education, USA). It is also a member of several international educational institutions. Selinus PhD Program by Research is accredited by the WCI (World Certification Institute), Washington DC. Besides, it is also recognized by California University (CUFCE) for the purpose of issuing equivalent US degrees. Selinus University meets many distance education organizations quality standards in different countries and it is working hard to get more accreditations in the world. However, none of the mentioned international bodies is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation in the United States (CHEA-USA), a non-governmental independent association of nearly 3,000 traditional degree-granting colleges and universities. This council officially recognizes 60 institutional and accrediting organizations that provide voluntary self-regulation processes in order to ensure academic quality.
In the United States, the CHEA accreditation is important for two main reasons: the former is that it provides academic quality in a country whose Constitution establishes education freedom. The latter is that it distributes US Federal grants only to its members and not to distance learning higher education organizations.
It is important to understand that accreditation is not equivalent to legality and/or recognition; it is rather a non-governmental and voluntary quality standardization process.
Acceptance of Distance Learning Academic Degrees.
In the USA many institutions are reluctant to accept credits from a non-formal or not CHEA accredited university. In some cases, the partial credit transfer is accepted. Note that any kind of accreditation, including USA CHEA one, does not automatically provide the acceptance of a distance learning degree by hiring companies. Therefore, it is within student’s responsibility to check the acceptance (and usability) of a SUSL degrees with their potential hiring employers.
Selinus University has adopted the higher education European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) as well as the USA Common Practices Accreditation (GAAP). SUSL distance learning transcripts of credits follow the European higher education guidelines: 1 SUSL Credit = 1 USA semester credit = 2 ECTS.
Selinus University education system complies with the European Union provisions. That represents an important reference standard. Despite that, SUSL degrees state recognition remains entirely discretional. SUSL is constantly looking for more recognition of its dynamic and effective system of higher education.
Selinus University legal status
Selinus University international degrees do not need any Ministries of Education authorization. Its statute is recognized by the Dominican operating authorities and government; Selinus University of Sciences and Literature Ltd is approved by the Government of Dominica Registrar of Companies (Act No. 10 of 1996) which provides its legal authority to operate as an International Commercial Private University. Its incorporation documents are duly apostilled according to the 1961 Hague Convention and legally recognized around the world.
Selinus University of Sciences and Literature Ltd holds the Incorporation and the Good Standing Certificate from the Commonwealth of Dominica government. The Commonwealth of Dominica is a member of the British Commonwealth, it participates in the OIF, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and it is a UNESCO member. Selinus University is also registered with the Bologna Chamber of Commerce (Italy).
Professional practice for distance learning graduates
Potential SUSL students are recommended to check whether Selinus degree is suitable to their professional goals and work before enrolment. Indeed, professions requirements and restrictions are widely different from one country to another. Some jobs require only degrees that have the Ministry of Education recognition, while others accept Hague Apostille legalized online degree or professional association approvals.
In today competitive job market, what really matters is competence together with personal real capacities. In fact, no company hires just on degree discretion. Employment requires an immaterial surplus value: the effective skill behind a degree and not a degree per se.