Top Professionals
Selinus University believes in each individual value, life and work experience. Candidates are admitted to APEL and VAE degree programs since they possess excellent trainings and are able to prove their high level professional engagement for at least five years.
People who have reached top professional, human and civil standards, people that have developed a significant cultural background through private studies, professional activity and experience, people who perform top-level professional activities, they all have the right to be eligible for a prestigious degree from Selinus University.
In 2002 the European Council created the VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Experience). This article (L 613-3) led European Universities to partially or totally grant regular degrees on work experience basis through a jury of University professors. Many were doubtful about the European VAE. Today, Universities, Higher education Institutes & Foreign governments accept VAE and its equivalency as part of their own national degrees.
Selinus University also evaluates and awards academic credits for prior experiential learning according to both the European and the Council for Advancement of Experiential Learning (CAEL) Guidelines. On this basis, the University’s Evaluation and Admissions Council may grant higher degrees to suitably qualified applicants with relevant professional experience that conforms to the “Bologna Declaration” adopted by European Countries. APEL and VAE degrees are awarded to individuals who distinguished for their endeavor. APEL applicants are normally honorable members of their community. They will be required to submit a detailed CV with supporting documents.
Unlike other professional degrees where students normally pursue a full study program, the APEL- based degree is an “acknowledged achievement”. This will be clearly stated in the graduate’s transcript. For an APEL-based degree, there is no courses or grades lists.
It may happen that the candidate’s work experience and credits are sufficient to earn him/her the immediate degree award (minimum admission age: 30 years). In other cases, it might be necessary either to submit a 40/70 pages dissertation on a topic related to the applicant’s expertise area or to go through a study course program under the guidance of a university accredited supervisor.
If you are interested in an APEL – VAE program, please send your detailed CV (studies, work, profession, cultural experiences, training courses, lectures, etc.). Selinus University will process your application and inform you about your eligibility for the program. If so, you will get a “Provisional Certificate” displaying the number of validated credits (by APEL) and the missing amount that you will be supposed to earn. No application will be considered until your CV is received.
Please send your CV by e-mail to: info@selinusuniversity.it