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Selinus University Wikipedia

Interview with the president of Selinus University on Wikipedia

President, what do you think about the Wikipedia page dedicated to Selinus University?
I think it is a totally uninformed page, based on prejudice and unfounded animosity of some people against informal universities. Selinus University has a press office that is always available to provide all requested information to journalists, editors, and disseminators who want to talk about Selinus University. I do not understand why the Wikipedia editor has not approached us for the necessary clarification about our educational organization. We would have been happy to provide any clarification and answer any questions.

On Wikipedia, they claim you are a diploma mill university. How do you answer to that?
The so-called "diploma mills" are non-existent realities on the level of formal organization. They usually sell degrees through websites upon payment by credit card. They are organizations that issue degrees to people who have not undergone any training and educational activities. They often deceive the good faith of students, especially younger students, who lack the necessary experience to understand the trick. Selinus University is an informal distance learning institution that carries out precise training and skill-assessing activities. In Selinus University, students work hard to obtain a degree: just see the theses they produce and which we publish in part on our website: In addition, our status is widely shown on our website, on all brochures sent to students, on applications, and on all circulating marketing materials.

Wikipedia accuses Selinus University of not being accredited. How do you respond?
Wikipedia itself writes that: "Educational accreditation is a quality assurance process whereby the services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and verified by an external body to determine whether applicable and recognized standards are met."
This means that the importance of accreditation is not in the formal act per se, but relies on education programs evaluation by a body according to recognized standards. In fact, accreditation is not mandatory but voluntary in the US, and each university is free to choose whether or not to be accredited. Of course, each level of study implies verification. It is correct and necessary that there are rules for study courses for university attendance of Bachelor's or Master's degrees addressed to 18-20 year olds. Accreditation programs correspond to precise educational requirements and give assurance to private employers or state jobs, that they meet precise requirements. However, when facing the needs of adult students, often already graduated and having a long career experience, do the same requirements apply?

So, in your opinion, is accreditation not necessary? Then, why did Wikipedia write this profile?
Honestly, I don't think Wikipedia has any interest in discrediting an institution. These people who use the encyclopedia for personal purposes, without the necessary insights, create inconvenience and misinformation to users. In Selinus University, we have never claimed that accreditation is not necessary. On the contrary, we think it is right and necessary, especially for the traditional university. But at the same time, it is incorrect to consider a degree from an informal university with no value. What gives value to a degree is an accreditation or rather verified competencies? A degree has a formal value and a real value. For instance, a lawyer, having decades of legal experience, earns a PhD by Research at Selinus University with a major thesis on international law: does he/she have or not the academic requirements of a PhD? If you say no, that is just because Selinus has non-governmental accreditation? It makes no sense to me. It is simply another academic model relying on experience even before accreditation. The real issue is ethical and moral, and on this Selinus University takes no lessons from anyone.

So is Selinus University accredited or not?
Selinus University is certainly accredited, but it is not with the government. In fact, there is no government accreditation for adult distance learning universities in any state, otherwise we would have joined right away.
Selinus University, like many other institutions, is globally accredited by the WCI - World Certification Institute - An international certification body perfectly aligned with Selinus University's mission. In addition, we are accredited by the California University FCE, a recognized certification body, to award the USA dual Degree.  Selinus University is also ISO 9001 certified, a certification for which organizations must undergo thorough compliance audits by an accredited certifying body; ISO 9001 attests to the quality Selinus University implements in systems and solutions for its students.

The Wikipedia editor also attacks you personally because of your supervisor status. What is your reply?
This accusation is so false that it would not even need a response. However, because of the transparency that is the hallmark of our institution and because of my commitment to my students, I gladly respond. My role in Selinus University, in addition to CEO, is also that of Coordinating Supervisor. I am not the holder of global knowledge and I am not a Superman. My function is Coordinating Supervisor. A low-cost institution, such as Selinus University, cannot afford a tutor for every student, the cost of which would be unsustainable. Therefore, my job is to supervise the theses on a general level for guidance and suggestions. In case of specific analyses, they are forwarded to a team of specialists who issue an opinion then codified by me for the purpose of awarding the degree. That's all.

Wikipedia also finds something to complain about in his CV.
I understand. But again, the Wikipedia editor might have requested my full CV and I would have sent it right away. Instead, he/she just took false information here and there, as if the web is the repository of absolute truths. It must be remembered that anyone can write on Wikipedia, even people in bad faith, just open an account. Wikipedia has no editorial offices, no addresses, you cannot make a complaint or claim a right unless you open an account. But even if you do open an account, there will always be someone else who will feel justified to review it and continue to hurl accusations and falsehoods. If anyone is interested in my full CV, it is here.

So Selinus University operates in full legality.
Selinus University operates in full and legitimate legality. The idea of making Selinus University look like an illegal entity, as Wikipedia did, is ridiculous. It confirms that there is a prejudice against non-formal universities that, instead, should be looked out: providing adult students, engaged with their work, with the opportunity to improve their academic education, even at the informal level, is an act of civility and progress that has nothing to do with accreditations.

Ultimately, what is the status of Selinus University?
Selinus University is a non-formal distance learning university for adult students who have already graduated. It was initially registered in the Commonwealth of Dominica under the laws of the British Commonwealth. Later, under a continuation arrangement, it was transferred to the Republic of Panama under a regular notarial deed and registered under the name Selinus University of Science and Literature. To accommodate global students who want to work in the USA, it was also registered in Delaware. Of course, in none of these jurisdictions Selinus University carries out business activities. Study programs are distributed, under regular licensing agreement to: Uniselinus Europe Networking University, registered with the CCIAA of Ragusa (Italy) under number RG.438605 and having as its corporate purpose: Management of Italian and Foreign Schools, and to Uniselinus Europe in London -UK - registration number 1216818. Needless to say, we are available to anyone who would like to have information about our educational group.



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  • Selinus University Graduate School LLC
    8 The Green, Suite A
    Dover 19901 – Delaware

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